China’s PLA ‘hellboys’ face a Taiwan ‘hellscape’

Military invasion of the democratic island would trigger Operation Replicator and an armada of US drones

Flotillas of American drones will turn the Taiwan Strait into a “hellscape” if China’s military “hellboys” try to invade the tiny democratic island.

The latest plan to stop President Xi Jinping’s regime from unleashing an armada across the 100-mile waterway is known as “Replicator,” and was revealed at last week’s Shangri-La Dialogue Summit in Singapore.   

“I want to turn the Taiwan Strait into an unmanned hellscape using a number of classified capabilities,” Admiral Samuel Paparo, the new commander of the United States Indo-Pacific Command, told The Washington Post.

China’s reaction resembled a hypersonic missile.

“Washington seeks another bloody hellscape. It seems that the United States cannot resist meddling in the Taiwan question,” state-run China Daily said in an editorial earlier this week.

Washington seeks another bloody hellscape.

china daily

Hellscape and hellboys:

  • The ruling Communist Party of China has no jurisdiction over Taiwan.
  • Yet Beijing has vowed to unify the island with the mainland by force if necessary.
  • Already the navy of the People’s Liberation Army is the largest in the world with more than 370 ships and submarines.
  • They include three aircraft carriers, the Liaoning, Shandong, and Fujian.
  • Reacting to an invasion, the US would “deploy thousands of unmanned submarines, unmanned surface ships, and aerial drones,” The Washington Post reported.

Delve deeper: In the past two years, China’s military has launched massive naval drills across the Taiwan Strait, encircling the island. The moves simulate a blockade or a full-blown invasion. 

Between the lines: “No matter what the US says or does it will not deter the People’s Liberation Army from doing its duty should the need arise. The PLA has already demonstrated its capability to seal off the island [of Taiwan] effectively,” China Daily said in an editorial.

Big picture: Comrade Xi has stoked the fires of nationalism that now run deep inside the Party. Economic challenges such as sluggish consumer spending, fueled by a property meltdown, and weakening wage growth have only added to the CCP rhetoric. 

China Factor comment: The people of Taiwan have made it clear they are not prepared to give up their democratic rights. They are vehemently against unification with China. For them, that would be a vision of “hellscape.”